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Yuanli MPM’s 2023 Yi Shui Tour
2023-10-20 1028

The sunshine is warm, the sea is vast, and the sky is high. Dreaming of horses, we will not disappoint Zhaohua! All employees of Yuanli MPM go on a tour to Yi Shui, cheering and cheering for the students! Applause and applaud for the way I worked hard

My friends set off for Yishui

Stay in Zhisheng Tangquan Villa Area

Taste local specialty cuisine, and the beautiful journey starts with a delicate lunch

Outstanding team spirit is an essential element of team building activities. A unique team building journey, allowing each team member to find sparks of cohesion, collaboration, and creativity in this event. Whether it's challenging ourselves or teamwork, let's go on this unforgettable tour of team building together!

Mr. Luan awarded a bonus of 1000 yuan to the excellent team

Yuanli MPM has sent wishes for the college entrance examination and scholarship red envelopes to the employees' children Wang Jiarui, Wang Kunbo, Zhang Mingyi, and Huang Xiaoxuan. As students, we wish you all the best to cherish your dreams, pursue brilliance, and write a brilliant chapter in life!

I spent an unforgettable time with the team, and now it's time to rejuvenate my body and mind and recharge. Why not come and soak in hot springs together and feel the magic of the spring water? The warm and gentle hot spring water can completely relax your muscles and nerves, giving you an unprecedented sense of comfort. In the hot spring, I communicated and interacted with colleagues, sharing the joy and memories of group building activities. The hot spring trip brought together friendship, laughter, and relaxation, making it the perfect ending for group building activities. Let's immerse ourselves in the tranquility of hot springs, wash away fatigue with enthusiasm and laughter, and release more powerful energy.

Bonfire, start a barbecue feast! Share delicious food with family and friends, leaving unforgettable memories! On summer nights, unleash your inner passion and enjoy the warmth and joy of flames with the company of a team

Grasp a green mountain and listen to the call of nature. Embark on a journey, discover the wonders and beauty of the scenic area, and leave behind the best memories

This unforgettable trip to the company not only allowed us to relax physically and mentally, but also established a deeper emotional bond between us. Let us bring back the passion and energy brought by this journey to our work, continue to work hard, and contribute our own strength to the development of the enterprise. I believe that through this trip, we have become a more united, trusted, and tacit team. In the future journey, we will face more challenges and opportunities together.

May we continue to sail together in the future and work together to create a more brilliant tomorrow!